Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Sacred Path

On this next musical journey we transcend to what can be easily mistaken as a different time in music. "A Sacred Path" explores the rhythm, sound, & soul of Africa, Brazil, Cuba as a well as the Middle East. Don't expect any textured & modulated synth sounds or pre-programmed beats by a drum machine, this is straight music from the roots! So drop your expectations....... and surrender to the drum.


1. Mustapha Tettey Addy - Herbal Man
2. Joi - Gentle Rain (FX)
3. Joe Claussell - Bahian Trance
4. Baba Sissoko Trio - Wawani
5. Oumou Sangaré - Moussolou
6. Ravi - Paranagua
7. Ravi - Hidden Rhythm
8. Gigi Shibabaw - Aba Alem Lemenea
9. Joe Claussell - Seeds to the Vine
10. Jonatan Szer - A. Free K.
11. Jiwe - Nahawa Doumbia (acapella)
12. Hossam Ramzy - A Step in Time
13. Saqati Amira - Sabra Dima
14. Hamdi El-Khayyat - Shake Time
15. BarabaJaba - Soko La Bata
16. Edisney Portales Vega - Esto Si Lleva
17. Daniel Moreno - Ilha do Tarturuga
18. Francisco Aguabella - Elegua
19. Christine Salem - Fanm
20. Sally Nyolo - Bebele
21. Miguel Castro - Iroko
22. Donald Holtermanns - Global Song
23. Guillerme Franco - Pombagira Chant
24. Donald Holtermanns - The Earth Holds Us
25. Bolia We Ndenge - Bosamba Ndeke
26. Mestre Barrão - Morô Omim Má
27. Phil Thorton - Lemba é Lemba

Length: 1Hr 50Min